There are certain parts of an IT infrastructure that are fairly similar across multiple industries, and some that aren’t. For example, most offices use the same types of tools for document and spreadsheet creation, like Word and Excel. Other similarities will be that computer operating systems and software need updating and the mechanics of wired or wireless networks. But, in many industries that’s where similarities end and they branch into industry-specific technology needs. A few examples are: Job costing software needed in the construction industry Internet-connected sensors and controls used for manufacturing Additional data security and compliance required for medical fields Home buying and selling platforms used in the real estate industry Working with an IT pro that’s not only focused on the general areas of your technology infrastructure, but also those industry-specific needs can make all the difference in how effectively your technology supports your business mission and growth. What Can IT Industry Expertise Mean for My Business? Skillio Networks makes a point of continuing to grow our industry specific expertise so we can better serve our clients. If you’re working with an IT provider that doesn’t know or take the time to learn your industry specific IT needs, then you’re only getting half of the help you need. Managed IT services are an integral part of your business health and wellbeing because if your tech is down, so is your company. Here are the benefits that working with an industry-focused IT pro can bring to your bottom line. Understands How Technology Impacts Your Costs Technology has made it possible for multiple industries to reduce their costs in many areas. But where one industry can save money may be completely different than another. For example, moving from paper to digital patient records helped hospitals reduce outpatient care costs by 3%. But in […]
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