When “The Cloud” first came into the technology lexicon, many business owners were scratching their heads wondering what that thing in the sky meant as far as their day-to-day operations. But all that quickly changed as companies saw exactly what it could do. Connecting process and people and removing the shackles of a physical location, opened a whole new world that greatly benefited small businesses. Cloud solutions leveled the playing field when it came to collaborating with each other and connecting their industry expertise to the customers that need it. Today, 73% of all organizations use at least one cloud application, and most use multiple cloud services. The benefits of cloud adoption have far outweighed the initial unfamiliarity and resistance to change. Cost savings is the top reason that both enterprise and small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) move their workflows to the cloud. These statistics illuminate the reasons so many businesses have migrated to the cloud: 61% of enterprise companies move to the cloud to cut costs 82% of SMBs say they reduced costs after adopting cloud solutions 94% of SMBs say that their security is increased with a move to the cloud 59% of SMBs using the cloud say they see significant productivity benefits Now the challenge for many is choosing cloud solutions wisely and aligning them with core business processes, and each other, to gain the biggest advantages and not leave any benefits “on the table.” Using the Cloud to Increase Profits and Productivity Just because an application is cloud-based doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be a benefit to your organization. A cloud infrastructure has a lot of moving pieces and should be planned out for efficiency. Do you use multiple programs that integrate or choose one larger platform that has multiple applications? That’s just one of the questions that you should address […]
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