Many business owners try to do it all themselves rather than relying on an outside contractor, but while they might think they’re saving money, the opposite is often true. When you and your staff are trying to handle things in house that require a certain amount of expertise, like IT support or shipping logistics, it can mean mistakes, additional costs, and falling behind your competition. Why hire a managed IT service contractor over an inhouse CTO or IT manager? Why use a payroll service rather than doing it yourself? Companies that use outside contractors can benefit in a number of ways, including: Reducing costs Ability to focus on core business Solve capacity issues Improve service Gain access to expert knowledge 78% of businesses feel positive about their relationship with outside contractors. If you’ve been on the fence about whether to outsource or not, you’ll want to read on to learn the pros of using outside experts to bolster your business and the best areas of your operations where you should utilize them. Pros of Using Outside Contractors It can make sense at first to just decide to hire a CTO to run all your inhouse technology or a social media guru to handle your marketing but hiring and retaining the right person for the job isn’t always easy. A full 82% of companies don’t believe they’re recruiting highly talented people, and for the ones that do, just 7% of them feel secure they can retain them. So, the time and effort put into hiring and training an employee to perform a highly skilled and specialized task that could be outsourced instead, often ends up costing companies more, and they may end up having to rehire for the same position in a few years. Another issue with hiring an employee to handle a critical position is […]
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